Wednesday 25 November 2015

Analyzing SQL Server Error Logs / Agent Logs using T-SQL

Even though you design our SQL Scripts with the best methods using best practices, or configure the SQL Server to perform correctly and in the optimized manner, you cannot prevent things going wrong. Luckily SQL Server does a great job on logging all the issues which we will be encountering during the course. Things could have been worse if you need to go through the error log file using only a text editor like the ‘Note Pad’ application (Favorite text editor of majority people). But fortunately SQL Server had provided us some help when you need to dig deep into Error Log.


But things could get more complicated if the Error Log contains lots of records and in those records if you require to swim for the issue which you are looking for.


Even though it provides you some searching and filtering capabilities, it could still be very challenging and time consuming.



However we do have another workaround which might come in handy. That’s to query the Error Logs using T-SQL. This can be done using the system procedure ‘sys.sp_readerrorlog’. This consists with few parameters.
USE [master]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [sys].[sp_readerrorlog]    Script Date: 24/11/2015 7:11:36 PM ******/
ALTER proc [sys].[sp_readerrorlog](
    @p1        int = 0,
    @p2        int = NULL,
    @p3        nvarchar(4000) = NULL,
    @p4        nvarchar(4000) = NULL)

    if (not is_srvrolemember(N'securityadmin') = 1)
       raiserror(15003,-1,-1, N'securityadmin')
       return (1)
    if (@p2 is NULL)
        exec sys.xp_readerrorlog @p1
        exec sys.xp_readerrorlog @p1,@p2,@p3,@p4   

  1. @p1 –> This represents the error log which you need to inspect (0 ~ Current | 1 ~ Archive #1 etc..)
  2. @p2 –> Type of the error log which you want to inspect (NULL or 1 ~ Error Log | 2 ~ SQL Agent Log)
  3. @p3 –> 1st Search Parameter (A value which you want to search the contents for)
  4. @p4 –> 2nd Search Parameter (A value which you want to search to further refine the result set)

**Please note: Aforementioned parameters are optional. Therefore if you don’t provide any parameters, it will return the whole contents of the current/active Error Log.

Few Examples

1. This will return all entries in the current Error Log
EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog @p1 = 0

2. This will return all the entries in the current SQL Agent Log
EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog @p1 = 0, @p2 = 2

3. This will return all the entries in the current SQL Error log where ever the value ‘CLR’ consist.
EXEC sys.sp_readerrorlog @p1=0, @p2=1, @p3='CLR'


4. This will return the entries in the current SQL Error log when the value ‘CLR’ and ‘Framework’ exist.
EXEC sys.sp_readerrorlog @p1=0, @p2=1, @p3='CLR', @p4='Framework'


When we execute the stored procedure ‘sys.sp_readerrorlog’, inside it will call an extended stored procedure which will accept 7 parameters, which is  ‘sys.xp_readerrorlog’. The parameter details are as follows:

Param #ParameterDetails
1Log Number0 – Current / 1 – Archive #1 / 2 – Archive #2 etc…
2Log Type1 – SQL Error Log / 2 – SQL Agent Log
3Search Text 1Search term which will be searched on the Text column
4Search Text 2Search term which will be searched on the Text column. **If both search texts are supplied it will return rows containing both texts.
5Start DateLog entries which the ‘Log Date’ is newer than the date provided. (including the date provided)
6End DateLog entries which is between the Start Date and End Date
7Sort OrderASC – Ascending / DESC - Descending


EXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog 0,1,N'',N'', '20151124','20151125','DESC'    

I hope this information will help you when you need to query the Error Log in order to troubleshoot an issue.

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