Saturday, 10 March 2018

Strange behaviour converting NVARCHAR(MAX) to BINARY

Few days back I was writing a CLR function to be used for hashing string values. The only option was the CLR functions since T-SQL doesn’t have any functionality to convert a string to hashed value using a key. Using the HASHBYTES function you can only provide the algorithm.

SET @Data = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(4000),'My Secret Message');  

I have written the CLR function to achieve the requirement, but during testing the validation was failing and when I go through the code I couldn’t find any issue in the function as well. But inspecting carefully I noticed that when a variable type NVARCHAR(n) and a variable type of NVARCHAR(MAX) gives different results when it’s converted to Binary. Which was the root cause for the issue I was facing.

	@Data1	AS NVARCHAR(MAX) = '1111'
	,@Data2	AS NVARCHAR(10) = '1111'

	CAST(@Data1 AS BINARY(30)) AS ValueMax
	CAST(@Data2 AS BINARY(30)) AS ValueN


As you can see the above example the zero bytes are represented differently for NVARCHAR(MAX) when it’s converted to BINARY.

I do not have any explanation for this. I am sharing the information in case anyone come across this issue. Please feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the replies I got from:

    Ron Dunn
    Cloud Data Warehouse Adviser

    I got some feedback on this behavior. It is by design, the same pattern would occur if you were using fixed length NCHAR strings. Unicode strings use the EN QUAD character instead of the EN SPACE. I also got the following advice: "converting Unicode to binary is rife with peril". Coupled with my previous comment about non-guaranteed conversions between versions, I strongly recommend you find an alternate strategy
